public art Blogs

New York's 911 Memorial
Along with a world of other architects, I was invited to participate in the international design thinking of “what next” after the devastation in New York.
Delores's local art
I sketched some images for ... visiting lovers of Greer to enjoy. Local business establishments have been kind enough to display.....
Suzie's Shoe Prints
Suzie’s Shoe Prints
During the feasibility analysis and site selection for the Ragel Family Greer Community Center, from the window of a private plane, scars from former horsback riding days were numerous and obvious.
project managers' skills
I spent a couple of days focusing on improving my project management skills.
Greer's Seasons
The Ragel Family Greer Community Center is located in Arizona’s White Mountains. Aspen trees are clustered on the hillsides and at the edges of lush meadow lands. Deciduous trees, aspens change seasonally.
Arizona's public art
During the annual American Institute of Architects Arizona Conference, I enjoyed lunch next to these Joan Waters creations.
Maggie's stained glass
I enjoyed this art installation at the celebration of the new Hanna House (one of the Maggie's Place homes) in Mesa.
Fairy Duster bloom's matching paint color
We refer to the surrounding natural environment to inspire our color selections for a project. These Little Leaf Palo Verde blooms are a nice match to this Sherwin-Williams color chip. Depending on the variety of Palo Verde tree, the colors will vary. This "Funky" match is a soft pastel yellow with a hint of green.