Denmark's and Arizona's Cohousing

Our home, within the setting of the Arizona Sonoran Desert has been a primary place for our Danish friends to pause during their lifetime of United States travel vacations.
Our friendship developed decades ago, while I was researching Cohousing Communities throughout Denmark, via a travel research grant from the University of Washington in cooperation with the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. That experience led to a variety of architecture design and speaking opportunities (including Denmark, Washington, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Colorado, and New Mexico).
This particular design involves 20 acres, 20 single family homes(each with free standing home office/art studios) clustered for neighborly living, near Rio Verde, Arizona. The project was published for local reading, including the Arizona American Institute of Architects and it's members, associates, and affiliates.
From a bird's eye view, the small hand drawn circles are trees, and the more rectangular shapes are roof tops. The diagonal void across the site defines a natural drainage way that allows free travel of various desert animals like coyotes, quail, and deer. The smaller meandering string-like voids define automobile travel.
The Arizona American Institute of Architects has embraced "Creating Community", while recognizing opportunities and need to create healthy, walkable, sustainable, economically viable, and more livable communities. The are opportunities to energize our Arizona cities and neighborhoods.
topic: building design, landscape design