object design Blogs
Delores's local art
I sketched some images for ... visiting lovers of Greer to enjoy. Local business establishments have been kind enough to display.....
project managers' skills
I spent a couple of days focusing on improving my project management skills.
Palo's shells and bells
Palo Soleri has died (our "Local Arizona" designer icon, who continues to influence our planet's population with his universe-scale thinking).

Lisa's bench
Invited to design a bench during a local American Institute of Architects design competition, I corralled a sheet metal worker(Wayne), a cabinet maker(Jerry), and a wood craftsman(Harry) to help construct my bench design.
Arizona's public art
During the annual American Institute of Architects Arizona Conference, I enjoyed lunch next to these Joan Waters creations.
Maggie's stained glass
I enjoyed this art installation at the celebration of the new Hanna House (one of the Maggie's Place homes) in Mesa.