Boy Scouts of America's "DEEP GREEN" National Jamboree site

This summer across the country, approximately 50,000 boy scouts will be traveling across our various united states, experiencing a variety of important places, on their way to the BSA’s first owned national jamboree site. 

Attending this event is a priority for our scouting family. In prior years, the land was leased for special event purposes.  Ready for occupancy this July 2013, the BSA has a permanant home for their every-four-year National Jamboree event (“The Summit”, The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve located in West Virginia).

For a century, the Boy Scouts of America have been leaders in conservation.  More than "green", in their own words, Boy Scouts of America is  “DEEP GREEN” . Check out their state of the art jamboree camp "shower buildings".


topic: building design